Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Hail to the Chief

MSU President Simon: Steve's a physicist who also knows genomics. He's doing great things here.

President Obama: He looks like someone who can do great things!

See earlier posts The Presidents and Obama in Oregon.

Obama picked the Spartans to win the NCAA tournament this year :-)


Butch said...

Perfect representation of the duality is the first picture. Someone who has the most power on earth(arguable) yet is completely blind in mindset and taking the world down with it and someone who sees the world more so for what it actually is. I highly doubt the first one even knows of what you know. It's like an act of art...

James Hedman said...

Unfortunately, the nightmare years of Obama in Michigan and the rest of the country are NOT over.

Robert Ford said...

yeah, like how he gave us almost $100 BILLION to save our state from collapse? yeah, that sucked.

James Hedman said...

Your gain, my loss. I suppose you think that the blood-sucking federal government is a good thing. GM should have been allowed to go bankrupt and its assets sold off via our already quite adequate bankruptcy laws.

DeAndre Johnson said...

Your loss? I guess you paid $100 billion in taxes, big spender

DeAndre Johnson said...

No need to be so hysterical. Take your meds

Robert Ford said...

i'm ok with it as long as they take the $ from people like you.

chartreuse1737 said...

does he know what you're up to steve?

and i thought steve was 6'1". he looks two inches shy of 6'1" obama.

chartreuse1737 said...

hedy's an example of how stupid software "engineers" can be.

the president, obama or whoever, is in a straitjacket. america is governed by campaign donors.

if only hedy had donated his 100 b to that mormon cyborg.

chartreuse1737 said...

hedy is totally unaware that the us has an EFFECTIVELY FLAT TAX.

LondonYoung said...

that reminds me - presidents average much taller than the overall population. I also believe tall people average wealthier. Steve - ever seen anything on how much inter-generational persistence of wealth can be attributed to height?

steve hsu said...

I had always heard he was 6"1 or so but in person I would swear he is 6"2. Not sure what kind of shoes he was wearing ...

I'm only 183 cm, barely over 6.

steve hsu said...

The problem is that people don't assort that strongly for height so kids regress pretty fast relative to the taller parent. It could be part of the Clark puzzle but not the dominant part.

chartreuse1737 said...

stay away from the dairy and peanut oil and stop dying your hair.

DeAndre Johnson said...

I'm not surprised you think so. You are cut from a very predictable mold, it seems

Iamexpert said...

So as a scientist, what do you estimate Obama's IQ is, having observed him in person in such a g loaded environment?

chartreuse1737 said...

steve has commented that height doesn't correlate with iq. i wonder what it is intra-ethnicity. dave letterman quipped his success was due to his having the tallest writing staff.

although it is one among many factors, taller men seem to have an advantage with the ladies, up to 6'3" or so. but going back to near status-less hunter gatherer days i'd expect ALL physical attraction to be based on signs of health. so men who grew tall were also those most resitant to disease, etc. not necessarily the best hunters. but i doubt there really are any very explanatory evolutionary explanations for physical attractiveness.

chartreuse1737 said...

YES. really. PRECISELY when you figure the BIG incomes. Drrr!


chartreuse1737 said...

america promotes sheeple like nowhere else, but as david addison said:

"I'm sick of answering this fucking question. I'm a Republican only as
far as I want a smaller government, I want less government intrusion. I
want them to stop shitting on my money and your money and tax dollars
that we give 50 percent of... every year. I want them to be fiscally
responsible and I want these goddamn lobbyists out of Washington. Do
that and I'll say I'm a Republican... I hate the government, OK? I'm
apolitical. Write that down. I'm not a Republican."

never mind if you made your pile in defense contracting. gots to protect the homeland from towel heads, camel jockeys, and sand niggas. right? ;)

chartreuse1737 said...

hedy knows what kind of shoes he was wearing. right hedy? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OQKKgNC5EpM

Samwilsono2 said...

..Download these 54 beautifully designed business book cliff notes that will increase your chances of becoming super wealthy in life. www.TheBillionairesBrain.com

DeAndre Johnson said...

Dumb question. How do you measure something without the tools to measure it?

steve hsu said...

He's a smart guy, no question. He was touring a biotech facility and he asked good questions during the visit. People who doubt his intellect are nuts.

Iamexpert said...

Interesting. I figure his IQ is about 140.

James Hedman said...

I stand corrected. However if you look at the historical tax rates then the working class and the working poor have been especially hard hit as they took home a higher percentage of their wages a couple of generations ago than they do now as they were not as hard hit by state income and sales taxes (which tended to be lower back then) nor did they pay as large a percentage of their income in federal withholding taxes.

heightG said...

Always thought you were 6' 1" from your pictures next to other people and in a few BJJ & MMA pics you put up over the years. Your picture with Obama is interesting since the official White House docs show that he is 6' 1", anywhere between 1.85-1.86. (http://blogs.suntimes.com/sweet/The_President%27s_Periodic_Physical_Exam.pdf). You do look around 2 inches shorter, but the angles are off and the you guys are standing differently. Just interesting.

steve hsu said...

I was surprised at how tall Obama seemed given that his official physical records at the WH list him at 6`1 (sometimes I read 6'1.5). In the top picture I am slouching a bit as I have my arm around his waist. But he did seem more like 6'2+ in person. I wonder if he wears lifts or big heeled shoes. The advance team was very meticulous in requiring that we all dress casually - no suits; only Obama was supposed to have a suit on. So they care a lot about how he appears relative to us.

Iamexpert said...

I bet he does. Not just because he's a politician and height strongly predicts electoral success, but also because his wife's so tall.

Kennon Gilson said...

Nice pictures with the Prez!
IMHO Obama is likely 150-160 IQ given that that's what they look for in those Tip-top Law Schools.

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