Sunday, December 02, 2012

John Von Neumann Documentary

Thanks to a reader for these links. YouTube is amazing!

Teller on von Neumann's enjoyment of thinking, and his horror at the breakdown of this ability due to his terminal cancer. (Also mention's that vN's relation to "the rest of us" was similar to talking to a 3 year old :-)  "Only he was fully awake"


TimothyBates said...

Thanks so much for passing this on Steve! I am fascinated by this Einstein/Eisenhower generation - hard to find biographical information on von Neumann

Nitin Rughoonauth said...

Marina von Neumann Whitman's memoir, "The Martian's daughter", is out. I've been reading it, and it's pretty fantastic! It gives a bit of an insider view into JvN's life, from the perspective of the latter's daughter.

Harry said...

Dear Steve, the links to the videos no longer exist. Could you provide us with the name of the videos, or with working links?

Harry said...

The two videos no longer exist. Could you relay the titles of the videos or new, working links?

Pablo Stafforini said...

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