Pessimism of the Intellect, Optimism of the Will Favorite posts | Manifold podcast | Twitter: @hsu_steve
rubes, all of 'em. Obama stands for everything and will deliver nothing.
...and a glorious set of spring days in the Pacific Northwest.
That's not nearly as big a crowd as the first photo implies.
I think the crowd was around 75k. Not bad for a primary.In 20 years these photos might have the historical significance of those of MLK's march on Washington. Time will tell.
Obama at his best represents the hope of youth. There is rhetoric and possibility but no track record of achievement. Only fools seek a leader who bears none of the marks of fighting life's challenges in the ring (versus from the microphone).
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rubes, all of 'em. Obama stands for everything and will deliver nothing.
...and a glorious set of spring days in the Pacific Northwest.
That's not nearly as big a crowd as the first photo implies.
I think the crowd was around 75k. Not bad for a primary.
In 20 years these photos might have the historical significance of those of MLK's march on Washington. Time will tell.
Obama at his best represents the hope of youth. There is rhetoric and possibility but no track record of achievement. Only fools seek a leader who bears none of the marks of fighting life's challenges in the ring (versus from the microphone).
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