Several are deep, detailed scholarly documents. They firmly rebut the false accusations of the Twitter mob.
Corey Washington's individual letter is over 5000 words long. James Lee's is over 3000 words. The authors have graciously allowed them to be made public.
Corey says:
I have known Steve for 30 years and can attest that he is not a racist or a sexist. Steve is one of the most scrupulously fair people I have ever met and I have seen no evidence that he has ever discriminated against anyone on the basis of their race, sex, or any other status.
... Hsu participated in a 2018 debate at MSU’s Institute for Quantitative Health, Science, and Engineering, at the invitation of Director Chris Contag. The topic was human genetic engineering, and Hsu’s counterpart was MSU bioethicist Len Fleck. A number of people who attended tell me that they found Steve’s view thoughtful and balanced. None that I know of came away from the debate thinking he is a eugenicist in the way that the rest of us are not. It is unclear to me why MSU GEU came to a different conclusion.
Sign the support petition. Email the president:
A (not necessarily up to date) list of signatories, which includes hundreds of professors from MSU and around the world, total ~1500 as of early June 19.
Letter from
Corey Washington, Director of Analytics and Strategic Projects, OSVPRI
Joseph Cesario, Associate Professor, Psychology
Wei Liao, Professor and Director, MSU Anaerobic Digestion Research and Education Center, Biosystems and Agricultural Engineering
John (Xuefeng) Jiang, Professor and Plante Moran Faculty Fellow, Accounting and Information Systems
Letter from Corey Washington, Director of Analytics and Strategic Projects, MSU
Letter from Matt McGue, Regents Professor of Psychology, University of Minnesota
Letter from Russell Warne, Associate Professor of Psychology, Utah Valley University
Letter from Mark Dykman, Professor of Physics, MSU
Letter from Zach Hambrick, Professor of Psychology, MSU
Letter from James Lee, Associate Professor of Psychology, University of Minnesota
Letter from Richard Haier, Emeritus Professor, UC Irvine, author of The Neuroscience of Intelligence (Cambridge)
Letter from Steven Pinker, Johnstone Family Professor of Psychology, Harvard University
Media coverage:
A Twitter Mob Takes Down an Administrator at Michigan State (Wall Street Journal June 25)
Scholar forced to resign over study that found police shootings not biased against blacks (The College Fix)
On Steve Hsu and the Campaign to Thwart Free Inquiry (Quillette)
Michigan State University VP of Research Ousted (Reason Magazine, Eugene Volokh, UCLA)
Research isn’t advocacy (NY Post Editorial Board)
Podcast interview on Tom Woods show (July 2)
College professor forced to resign for citing study that found police shootings not biased against blacks (Law Enforcement Today, July 5)
"Racist" College Researcher Ousted After Sharing Study Showing No Racial Bias In Police Shootings (ZeroHedge, July 6)
Twitter mob: College researcher forced to resign after study finding no racial bias in police shootings (Reclaim the Net, July 8)
Horowitz: Asian-American researcher fired from Michigan State administration for advancing facts about police shootings (The Blaze, July 8)
I Cited Their Study, So They Disavowed It: If scientists retract research that challenges reigning orthodoxies, politics will drive scholarship (Wall Street Journal July 8)
Conservative author cites research on police shootings and race. Researchers ask for its retraction in response (The College Fix, July 8)
Academics Seek to Retract Study Disproving Racist Police Shootings After Conservative Cites It (Hans Bader, CNSNews, July 9)
The Ideological Corruption of Science (theoretical physicist Lawrence Krauss in the Wall Street Journal, July 12)
Foundation for Individual Rights in Education: "chilling academic freedom" (Peter Bonilla, July 22)