Nature, Nurture, and Invention: analysis of patent, SES, IQ data from Finland. "IQ matters more than all family background variables combined" ... "IQ direct effect ... almost five times as large as that of having a high-income father"— steve hsu (@hsu_steve) December 13, 2017
If you like that tweet, this one might be of interest as well:
Low SES does not decrease heritability of cognitive ability (N=300k). PNAS, editor J. Heckman, 24k twins! "largest study to date... matched birth and school administrative records... no evidence of SES moderation of genetic influence on test scores..."
— steve hsu (@hsu_steve) December 19, 2017
I'm always amazed that so many people have strong opinions on topics like Nature vs Nurture, How the World Works, How Civilization Advances (or does not), without having examined the evidence.