Monday, July 10, 2006

Gdrive: codename Platypus

Gdrive, a Web-based hard drive application from Google, has been rumored for some time. Enterprising sleuths seem to have found some interesting tidbits -- looks like client software that syncs with a distributed storage network. I can't wait for mine! (Although, do you want all your files searchable by Google?)

This is what was on the page just some hours ago (the page isn’t active anymore, but Corsin made a backup):

Platypus (Gdrive)

A filer for the world. But better.

Storing your files in Platypus has a number of advantages over storing your files on either your C: drive or filer.

Backup. If you lose your computer, grab a new one and reinstall Platypus. Your files will be on your new machine in minutes.

Sync. Keep all your machines synchronized, even if they run different operating systems.

VPN-less access. Not at a Google computer? View your files on the web at

Collaborate. Create shared spaces to which multiple Googlers can write.

Disconnected access. On the plane? VPN broken? All your files are still accessible.

The page also offers you to “find a new bug, get a free Platypus t-shirt!” and to browse a Platypus share with your username or group name. The Gdrive download is available for Windows, Mac and Linux. Within the page source, Google author Justin Rosenstein is listed (Justin was Product Manager for Google Page Creator). Also, a couple of feature listings are hidden as comments in the source:

Publish. All of the files you store on Platypus are automatically accessible from the (corporate) web.

Share. Other Googlers can mount your Platypus folders and open your files in read-only mode.

Collaborate. ... It also has advantages over storing your files in your filer or WWW directory

Local IO speeds. Open and save as quickly as you could if you were accessing them from your C: drive.

Can we say good-bye to traditional methods of saving files, accessing them, and creating backups?

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