Monday, July 11, 2016

My neighbor's kid is a designer baby (or not)

I happened to see Knoepfler's book at the HKUST bookstore yesterday. He's a stem cell researcher at UC Davis.
GMO Sapiens: the Life-Changing Science of Designer Babies is an exciting new book which takes a look at the cutting edge biotechnology trends that are making human genetic modification and cloning a more practical potential reality in the coming years. The convergence of advances in bioengineering, genetics, genomics, assisted reproduction and stem cells have brought us to the astonishing point where literally making new forms of human beings is possible. Surprisingly, some people and organizations are strong advocates for allowing genetic modification of humans while others feel equally passionately opposed. Meanwhile, the general public is largely unaware that we have reached this remarkable turning point in human history when we can literally change what it means to be human.

As much as the public is engaged in the topic of genetically modified organism (GMO) foods, this book will capture their imaginations and fire their passions by educating them on the potential coming of GMO people while, at the same time, educating them.

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