Saturday, August 24, 2013

The work is behind the scenes

... competition is the easy part.


  1. John Speranza9:04 PM

    Okay, you got me. I was gonna take the day off, but I guess I'll go to the track....

  2. Yan Shen9:07 PM

    Do they show the part where he dopes his way to greatness?

  3. Drugs like steroids give you an advantage, but you still have to put in the work to make progress. Watch the video -- it's short.

  4. David Coughlin9:32 AM

    I always laugh at the "The nerves are high because it is all on the line" trope. If you haven't burned the fear of competition out of yourself through practice, then you haven't practiced enough.

  5. You know this how?

  6. botti6:58 PM

    Indeed, Arnie is a good example :-) Here he quotes Muhammed Ali on the topic of hard work:

    "Muhammed Ali, one of my greatest hero’s had a great line when he was asked: ‘how many sit ups do you do?’. He said: ‘I don’t count my sit-ups, I only start counting when it starts hurting, that is when I start counting, because then it really counts, that’s what makes you a champion’. That’s the way it is with everyting, no pain, no gain!"
