Monday, August 19, 2013

Conor McGregor

Love this guy -- especially his attitude and his unorthodox striking style. Very good cage smarts and mental game.

Don't know how he'd do against a good wrestler. So far I'd say he's only fought scrubs. Too early to tell, but right now he's got nothing for fighters like Aldo or Edgar.


  1. Pincher Martin1:42 PM

    He's getting a lot of hype. We'll see how good he really is when an excellent grappler plants him on his butt and makes him fight from the bottom.

    His last opponent, Max Holloway, is no scrub.

  2. Diogenes11:13 PM

    It surprises me you'd be interested in this Pincher. Does your rock get cable?

    The striker vs grappler reminds me of this scene from Indiana Jones (nominated for Best Picture, believe it or not, but then so was The Exorcist):

    Of course I only watched it a very little in the Dan Severn, Tank Abbot days.

  3. Pincher Martin3:40 PM

    "Of course I only watched it a very little in the Dan Severn, Tank Abbot days."

    The sport's improved a lot since then. It's more competitive, more professional, the production values of the shows are better, and the availability of fights is wider.

    But I still sometimes miss the raw amateurism of the early days of the sport.

    "It surprises me you'd be interested in this Pincher. Does your rock get cable?"

    You're only the second person I've come across online who's mentioned something to me about the literary reference.
