Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Talk cancelled

This talk has been cancelled, for complex reasons that I will not discuss.


  1. matmcinn1:32 PM

    OK, you won´t discuss the reasons for the cancellation. But can you discuss some of the reasons which were not responsible? For example, political pressure was not one of the reasons, right?

    This doesn´t have something to do with the fact that a machine that never puts wrong statements on its blog must know some true statements that it also never puts on its blog, or something like that, right?

  2. What will it be like if you get any results? :-)

  3. Hmmm... I wonder if this has anything to do with that rumor I heard that Harvard is planning to replace its motto "Veritas" with "Timiditas"...

  4. botti5:54 PM

    The ghost of SJ Gould?

  5. Nano Nymous9:13 PM

    Come on, give your readers at least something. For example, why would you not discuss the reasons? Who canceled, the hosts?

  6. Of course. These days you can't get away with promoting the idea that.. genes matter, to a large real-life audience. The creationists won't allow it.

  7. oasis7892:48 PM

    am disappointed... was planning to come and meet you in person.

  8. Which joker changed the event's title to "Censored knowledge?" on the HMS' events calender?

  9. LondonYoung6:18 PM

    Of course, the talk has been cancelled because there is no genetic basis of variation in metal abilities.  So there is nothing to discuss.  This is Harvard, right?  They fired their president because of http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lawrence_Summers#Differences_between_the_sexes

  10. MtMoru1:48 PM

    If this really was an example of the "politically correct powers that be" at least Steve knows how important his research is.

    The truth of the matter, if there is one, does seem to be an ultimate foundation for a lot of politics. London Young himself has said that poor people are either stupid or lazy or both.

  11. Ken Condon3:31 AM

    Ya bit. Have you followed the overwhelming Eugene soap with Lariviere? This is old news in Oregon but if you happened to have missed it- here is a starter:


  12. As Steve Sailer puts it: "In 1972, it looked like the rank order of average intelligence was Oriental, Caucasian, Chicano, and black. But, in 2011, of course, we now see from endless studies and real world examples that the actual rank ordering appears to be Asian, non-Hispanic white, Latino, and African-American. So, everything has changed!"
