Thursday, June 30, 2011

Please spit

Earlier today I signed an order for $50K worth of these things...

OG-500 DNA Tube


The OG-500 DNA Collection Kit provides an all-in-one system for the collection, stabilization, transportation and purification of DNA from saliva.

The OG-500 format is ideal for customers who require a compact format for collection via the post and those seeking a solution that is compatible with high-throughput processing systems and standard storage racks.


  1. Nano Nymous8:14 PM

    Cost per kit? These things don't cost more that $0.5 to make. Three super-cheap chemicals + a little plastic, that's all. I suspect the thing is obscenely overpriced.

  2. When do you expect the IQ genes study to be released?

  3. I can't comment other than to say that our team is working really hard. This is just like a startup -- we have some resources and we're trying to make something happen. If you're a high net worth individual reading this please consider making a donation to this project. 

  4. Nano Nymous6:03 PM

    Regardless of the results, something will be published in 1-3 year time frame. It's publish or perish - and more than ever. And in this case there will be something that's worth learning even if the results are completely negative.

    "our team is working really hard"

    Steve, if you don't mind: what exactly is your position/status in this project? Or maybe in other words: what is your principal responsibility there? Thanks!

  5. Thanks
    for information, I'll always keep updated here!
