Monday, May 02, 2011

Obama got Osama

This is not usually a political blog, but I couldn't resist.

Somehow Bush couldn't get it done. He did save us from Saddam's WMD threat, though. It only cost us a trillion dollars and immeasurable human suffering.


  1. Should we believe Chimp Obama's version of events? Read RKU's comments over at iSteve. He made some good points.

  2. Is the current chimp going to take us out of Afghanistan now? Is he going to stop throwing money at Pakistan? So what has changed?

  3. Your first two comments pretty much cover the waterfront on this topic:
    1. What about the wars? (from those lacking enthusiasm for our militarized foreign policy)
    2. What about the Death Certificate? (for unreconstructed Birthers)

    Plus ça change ...

  4. Sorry Seth, I'm not a peacefag. Based on the location where they found Osama, its clear the rulers of Pakistan have been aiding and abetting Osama for all these years. Also, they have nukes. We have every reason now to declare war on Pakistan, nukes be damned. Will Obama be The One to confront the reality that Pakistan was always the bigger threat to the US than some Afghan tribesmen? Or will he keep grinding out the occupation of Afghanistan in order to turn it into a democracy?

  5. botti5:22 PM

    I like the google map showing his compound 1 mile down the road from the military academy.

    ***We have every reason now to declare war on Pakistan, nukes be damned.***

    Waste of money & lives. Leave Muslim countries alone and reduce the number of muslims entering western countries.

  6. Dead Osama jokes

    oh man looks like osama didnt watch the backdoor to his base no matter how much micro you have you cant beat a suprise attack, he shouldve gone banelings.--tell to those who play starcraft

    Apparently Osama Bin Laden died. Whatever. What time is Jersey Shore tonight?

    R.I.P. Osama, worlds greatest hide and go seek player.



    Donald Trump demands Osama's death cerfificate
    OBAMA: "I made killing or capturing Bin Laden our top priority" GOP: " NO Gay Marriage "


  7. NicolasBourbaki8:53 PM

    Correction, it will likely cost us 3-5 trillion for the Iraq war on conservative estimates according to a study by Joseph Stiglitz and Linda Bilmes (and has cost in human lives likely more than 1 million Iraqis).

  8. LondonYoung5:43 PM

    Indeed, "what has changed?" Chimp #2 kept just one Secretary/monkey from chimp #1 - Sec'y of Defense, right?
    I can think of lots of changes I'd like to see ...

  9. TheGuyFromEarlier8:52 PM


  10. ArthurV6:38 PM

    Don’t care much about either of the chimps, whatever he is clutching - the Bible, the Communist’s Manifesto or the NYT’s modern version of it.

    What never seizes to amuse me though, is to watch the bright mind that specifically trained itself for decades to employ rigorous logic and think critically to slump down to average brainwashed shmo level.

    What’s even more entertaining is that a guy like prof Hsu (BJJ and what not) would probably be totally embarrassed seen sporting a beer belly, but has no shame mentally slouching in public like a CNN-fed couch potato.

  11. Obama got osama, but he did through extremely dangerous means, by unilaterally invasion of Pakistan, he risk destabilization an Islamic country of 130 million people armed with nuclear weapons and militarily backed by China.

  12. obama8210:49 PM

    Show your appreciation to our valiant Navy SEAL "Team Six" Soldiers & our Commander in Chief, President Obama, with this Special Collector's Edition T-Shirt. You can display your patriotic spirit & commemorate those that lost their lives in the 9/11 attacks by purchasing the official "Obama Got Osama Shirt" at:

  13. obama8210:51 PM

    Show your appreciation to our valiant Navy SEAL "Team Six" Soldiers & our Commander in Chief, President Obama, with this Special Collector's Edition T-Shirt. You can display your patriotic spirit & commemorate those that lost their lives in the 9/11 attacks by purchasing the official "Obama Got Osama Shirt" at:
