Tuesday, July 13, 2010

More perils of precocity

Driving the kids to preschool this morning.

I: "Daddy, does everybody see the same sun?"

M: "If it's day here, is it night in China?"

A short lecture on the earth-sun geometry and rotation of the earth ensues.

I: "But daddy, if the earth is spinning why don't all of these cars fall off?"


  1. Guest17299:38 AM

    Just curious - what in your estimate is the proportion of academics in math intensive fields who have 2 or more kids?

  2. 2 is not uncommon, but 3 is.

  3. I. Hsu, "A No-Go Theorem for 'Spinning Earth' Models Based on the Absence of Flying Cars", Journal_of_Observational_Cosmology v.2490 p.1.

  4. :-)

    As we know, all no-go theorems have loopholes ...
