Thursday, January 25, 2024

Utah AG Sean Reyes: “Sound of Freedom” and Human Trafficking — Manifold #52


Sean Reyes is Utah Attorney General and a producer for the movie “Sound of Freedom.” 

Steve and Sean discuss his personal story, human trafficking, and the role of technology in law enforcement. 

NOTE: Reyes has announced that he will not seek re-election as Utah AG: 

00:00 Sean Reyes’ early life and family history 
14:21 Sean's personal journey and career 
21:28 Political journey and decision to run for AG 
24:08 The movie Sound of Freedom 
28:45 The reality of human trafficking 
31:40 Technology and law enforcement 
44:00 The horror of human trafficking: victims, aftercare, and the media 
01:05:23 Future plans and aspirations

Wednesday, January 24, 2024

SuperFocus, AI, and Philippine Call Centers: Part 2

This is the sequel to the earlier conversation with Dominic Ligot, an AI expert who works with the IT and Business Process Association of the Philippines (IBPAP), the trade association for call center and outsourcing companies. 

In this video we briefly demonstrate some of the voice capabilities of the SuperFocus AI. Progress in generative AI is faster than anything I've ever seen before - perhaps not surprising given the vast financial, technological, and human capital resources flowing to AI R&D. When we first looked at voice capabilities ~6 months ago they didn't seem ready for complex conversations like the ones discussed in the video. But when we looked again - prompted by strong interest from our customers - we found that the state of the art had advanced significantly in just a short time. This is true across many areas of generative AI.

I was in Manila in December to meet with BPO companies. Roughly 8% of Philippine GDP ($40B each year) results from BPO / call center work. This is a consequence of low labor costs and widespread English fluency.

We demonstrated narrow AIs built using LLMs, but in which the LLM is forced to "consult its internal memory" before answering any query. This memory can be built from training materials used to train human agents in call centers. The AI functions like a human that has perfect recall of all the material in the training manuals, at a fraction of the cost!

An analogy we used is that the AI earthquake in SF has created a Tsunami headed towards the Philippines -- is it a 6 foot wave, or a 600 ft wave? Closer to the latter, I think.

Some photos from Manila - scoping out potential office space.


Tuesday, January 16, 2024

Upstream podcast with Erik Torenberg: Steve Hsu on the Future of Everything


Great conversation with Erik, a well-known SV Founder and investor. 

(00:00) Intro 
(02:01) Political polarization in academia 
(05:27) The decline of meritocracy in academia 
(09:40) Why can't academia change? 
(13:07) Truth-seeking in startups 
(20:16) Sponsors | Shopify | Givewell 
(23:16) The fertility crisis 
(31:51) AI and labor 
(40:46) What industries are safe from AI automation? 
(43:45) AI Safety vs accelerationism 
(47:31) Understanding the rise of China 
(58:26) The future of the US/China relationship 
(01:00:21) How does Steve allocate his time? 
(01:04:21) Steve's suggestions for underexplored opportunities 

Audio-only version on Spotify: 

Thursday, January 11, 2024

Military Technology and U.S.-China War in the Pacific — Manifold #51


TP Huang returns for the third time to discuss US-China strategic competition and military technology. 

Audio-Only version and Transcript: 

Previous episodes with TP include: 

China's EV Market Dominance and the Challenges Facing Tesla — #48:

Huawei and the US-China Chip War — #44: 

Steve and TP discuss: 

(00:00) - Introduction 
(02:23) - Hypersonic weapons and A2AD 
(08:15) - The evolution of China’s military technology 
(13:30) - Hypersonic missiles: targeting and interception 
(29:52) - Surprise attack on Hawaii or Seattle? 
(33:36) - Japan's role in a U.S.-China military conflict 
(36:15) - Chinese invasion of Taiwan 
(42:44) - Amphibious landing, boots on the ground 
(45:20) - Red lines and Taiwan independence 
(48:38) - PRC nuclear weapons buildup 
(51:17) - PRC-Russia alliance: natural resources, technology; Ukraine strategy disaster 
(59:37) - Future developments of military technology in China 
(01:11:44) - Predictions regarding US-PRC balance of power

Wednesday, January 03, 2024

SuperFocus, AI, and Philippine Call Centers


This is a conversation with Dominic Ligot, an AI expert who works with the IT and Business Process Association of the Philippines (IBPAP), the trade association for call center and outsourcing companies. 

I was in Manila in December to meet with BPO companies. We demonstrated narrow AIs built using LLMs, but in which the LLM is forced to "consult its internal memory" before answering any query. This memory can be built from training materials used to train human agents in call centers. The AI functions like a human that has perfect recall of all the material in the training manuals, at a fraction of the cost!

An analogy we used is that the AI earthquake in SF has created a Tsunami headed towards the Philippines -- is it a 6 foot wave, or a 600 ft wave? Closer to the latter, I think.

Some photos from Manila - scoping out potential office space.